True North Helping Hands
Building Homes, Building Schools, Building Hope
Summer of 2025 Trip – June 28th through July 5th
​True North Helping Hands Society
This is the 19th year that True North Helping Hands has had the opportunity to assist the Indigenous Schools in Baja, Mexico. In the previous 18 years, we have made many friends and developed local partners.
In addition to building relationships, 38 classrooms, 5 Director/Principal offices, 9 washrooms as well as 5 playgrounds have been constructed. A refurbished trailer has also been purchased to house a kindergarten that did not yet have land. Our group has also been involved in a fair bit of upkeep and improvements as well as providing school furniture and supplies.
1. How can I help?
You can join us to work as a volunteer. If you wish to donate to this cause, you may send cheques directly to the address below or use either of the links on the ‘Donate’ page to donate online.
2. Who can participate?
We have workers with all levels of ability. Some are professional contractors, and some have never held a hammer before. It’s a great time to learn.
Those younger than a high school graduate must be accompanied by a parent or other adult. You will always be under their supervision. Children of all ages are welcome with their parents.
Leaders are set by True North Helping Hands. To join us you must understand that the leaders on this trip will set the rules and plan the work. You must agree to submit to their leadership.
3. What are the dates of this summer’s trip?
You can meet us Saturday, June 28th, in San Diego by 1:30PM at the airport.
Work at the jobsite will begin on Sunday afternoon. We will have our work complete and be back at the airport in San Diego on Saturday, July 5th, in time for 8PM flights. We will not arrive until late. Flights are best booked for Sunday. Any flights ahead of 8pm Saturday must be approved by Patty Jacobs.
4. How do I get from San Diego to Mexico?
We work approximately 140 km/90 miles south of San Diego. You will need to fly (or drive) to San Diego. We rendezvous at the San Diego airport and transport everyone from there to our quarters in Mexico. TNHH will be renting vehicles and arranging for your transportation from the airport in San Diego until our return, 8 days later, to the San Diego airport.
If you are bringing your own vehicle, please contact me. We still want you to meet us at the airport.
If you wish to stay Saturday night on our return at a local church please let me know (This saves the cost of a hotel)
5. What is the cost?
To help offset the cost of food, water, cabin fees and transportation while in Mexico, we ask that you donate $400 CAD ($300 USD) to stay in your tents or a cabin.
6. Where will we be eating in Mexico?
In Mexico, your meals will be provided, except for eating out one night in Ensenada. Each morning we will have breakfast at the Campground before leaving for the work site. Snacks are delivered to each work site twice a day. The Food Crew will deliver the lunches to the work sites. Water is provided continuously at each work site, and everyone is reminded often to drink plenty of water. Dinner is prepared and served at camp by the Food Crew. Everyone should be prepared to take a turn helping the Food crew.
7. How will I find the rest of the group at the airport?
The airport is currently under renovation and our meeting location will be given closer to departure time.
Anyone driving down must discuss your plans with
8. What documents will I need to have with me?
You need a current passport; US citizens may use an enhanced ID. It is required that minors, without parents accompanying them, have a signed letter with permission to come with us. Have your passport and other documents on you (not in your suitcase) when you arrive at the San Diego airport.
They were confused at the border entering the USA about Nexus passes. Please just use your passport.
9. What will we be doing each day?
We will be building a classroom this summer. We currently have 2 requests. Our location will be determined in the next 2 months. You will be at the to-be-determined job site working throughout the day
​10. What should I bring?
Basic needs include a personal water bottle, sleeping bag, pillow, sunscreen, and personal hygiene items. Nights are cool.
For working, bring work clothes, including gloves. We have hammers you can use. If you only like to use your own hammer, then bring it. A more comprehensive list is posted on our website under Forms and Info -- What to Bring.
If you are a skilled tradesman, please let us know.
11. Is the water safe to drink?
No. You must drink only the bottled water that we will provide. Even vegetables and fruits sold locally in Mexico should be avoided unless washed in appropriate solutions. We wash them for your use.
12. Should I get any immunizations?
Your Tetanus should be up to date. Both HEP A & HEP B are also recommended. Ensenada has an excellent hospital. We prefer not to visit it.
13. Who will be leading the group?
Our directors are Patty Jacobs-Kunkle - Managing Director, Garnett Andrews - Treasurer, Dean Haskayne - Secretary, Tim Gjernes - Director, Roy Kunkle and Richard Wiebe - Construction Managers.
14. Are there people going into Mexico ahead of June 28th?
Yes. We have a limited number of people going into Mexico to set up the kitchen and do prep work at the jobsite. We appreciate everyone’s desire to help; however, this is by invitation only. This is a time to get set up and chase down materials for everyone’s arrival.
15. Where does the money to build come from?
We fundraise for donations. They are typically received from individuals, businesses, and churches.
16. If I can’t make the trip is there some other way I can help?
As mentioned above, we would welcome any financial help you could give. Please pray for the health and safety of those going. If you know of others who could help, either financially or as a participant, get in touch with us. Individuals either fund their own trip or raise their own funds. Any financial help goes directly toward building funds, school supplies, medical for local people or to pay local workers (Approximately $150 a week).
17. Can I be contacted in case of an emergency back home?
We will check daily for messages @ 360-798-7139 or My cell phone has unlimited calling for Canada, USA and Mexico. Please let me know if you need to chat.
18. How do I sign up?
Fill out an application found on the website and submit it by May 15th, 2025.
Applications must be received and approved before your arrival. Send your applications and funds to the address listed below.
If you simply wish to donate to this cause, you may send cheques directly to the address below, use the on-line link (Donate) or arrange an e-transfer through .
Thank you.
True North Helping Hands
PO Box 78121
Port Coquitlam RPO Northside,
BC, Canada V3B 7H5
ATTN: Tim Gjernes