True North Helping Hands
Building Homes, Building Schools, Building Hope
It's always amazing to meet so many other people from all over North America who share a love for God and a passion to help less fortunate people. While there are quite a few "regulars" serving with TNHH, I love observing how well the team works together to complete a major construction project, even though many have never met. The camaraderie that develops during these trips is so unique that lifelong friendships easily form.

I believe the focus of TNHH is very important and one that tends to be overlooked by others. Building schools for the underprivileged indigenous community helps many families at once, providing them with better opportunities for their future. It's so touching and humbling to see the looks in the faces of the children and their teachers when we present the newly completed school buildings. At home, we're used to such abundance and hardly think twice about having access to education. But when I see how much a small, simple, and permanent school means to these children, it makes me count God's blessings and gives me a better understanding of the need in these communities.
Throughout my years with True North Helping Hands, I grew from barely knowing how to swing a hammer to leading crews on a variety of tasks and feeling confident with the construction knowledge I gained. Many of the volunteers that travel to Mexico have a lot of construction experience and are more than happy to help teach those that have less or no experience. There's always a job for everyone, no matter what background or skill set they have - whether bravely running around on trusses, or helping prepare food for the hungry volunteers. There are so many opportunities to share God's love, learn something new, and be blessed in return.